Can You Board A Dog In Heat?

23 September 2021
 Categories: , Blog


It's not surprising that pet boarding facilities have certain prerequisites for any prospective residents. Sure, if a dog is particularly unwell, too young, or has pronounced behavioral issues, it's understandable that a boarding facility would be unwilling to accommodate them. As a dog owner, you probably wouldn't even consider boarding your dog under these circumstances. But what about your dog's menstrual cycle? If she hasn't been spayed and her heat cycle coincides with the time that you need to board her, what are your options?

A Simple Question

It all starts with a simple question, and you simply need to ask if a potential boarding facility has had experience caring for a dog on her heat cycle. This cycle is a natural part of many dog's lives, so it's not as though it's a rare or uncommon experience—either for your dog, or for any dog boarding facility. When you ask whether a boarding facility has experience and procedures in place when it comes to a dog in heat, the answer is likely to be a definitive yes, but it's still crucial to ask. What sorts of procedures might apply?

Solo Accommodation

Separate, solo accommodation is advantageous, and this allows your dog to be left in peace from other (male) dogs whose interest in her might become a little frantic during her heat cycle. Gender-segregated kennels might also be appropriate, but this depends on your dog. The hormonal changes associated with a heat cycle can result in behavioral changes, sometimes making a female dog more aggressive. If this is the case with your dog, solo accommodation might be in her best interests (not to mention the best interests of the other dogs at the facility).


Although solo accommodation will allow some necessary peace and quiet for your dog during her heat cycle, it's important to enquire about any protocols in place for exercise. Will your dog similarly receive individualized exercise and playtime from a member of staff? If there's to be any interaction at all between dogs during playtime, you should ask if the boarding facility utilizes dog heat diapers. These diapers create a physical barrier that actually prevents mating, almost like a chastity belt for canines. If the facility does not use dog heat diapers, consider supplying your own with instructions that your dog must wear them if she comes into contact with any male dogs at the facility.

Boarding a dog in heat is perfectly safe for your beloved fur baby, as long as various safeguards are in place, and it's just a question of finding a boarding facility that offers these safeguards.

For more information about pet boarding, contact a pet boarding facility near you.